Category: Dones Updates

Energy sustainability and its challenges, discussed at the Faculty of Science in Granada

Energy sustainability and its challenges, discussed at the Faculty of Science in Granada

The series of conferences “Energy: Where are the keys? Towards energy sustainability”, organised by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Granada (UGR) during the month of April, held a talk followed by a debate on the technological challenges related to the production of fusion energy. The talk was given by Ángel Ibarra, Director […]

Relevance and opportunities for industry participation in the DONES project

Relevance and opportunities for industry participation in the DONES project

CDTI organised a conference focused on the collaboration between Singular Science and Technology Infrastructures (ICTS) and the Spanish science industry During the Science Industry Day organised by CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) on April 26th, Ángel Ibarra, Director of IFMIF-DONES España, had the opportunity to explain how in the case of the […]

Students of the Faculty of Physical Sciences of the UCM learn first-hand about the IFMIF-DONES project

Students of the Faculty of Physical Sciences of the UCM learn first-hand about the IFMIF-DONES project

The Cycle of Conferences “Let’s talk about Physics” organised by the Faculty of Physical Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid hosted Ángel Ibarra, Director of IFMIF-DONES España. Under the title “The IFMIF-DONES project”, Ibarra presented the raison d’être of the project in the Aula Magna of the faculty, specifying the status of its development […]

Learning and fun in the Science Week organised by IES Bulyana

Learning and fun in the Science Week organised by IES Bulyana

Science justifies “why things happen”, “there is science behind all magic” or “learning and fun”. These were some of the slogans employed during the 8th Science Week organised by IES Bulyana (Pulianas, Granada), in which the IFMIF-DONES project was present with José Aguilar, Coordinator of the Technical Office. The main purpose of the talk given […]

DONES Meeting #03 leads the way to explore lines of collaboration with ESS Bilbao

DONES Meeting #03 leads the way to explore lines of collaboration with ESS Bilbao dones meeting 3

DONES Meeting #03 has had a special character thanks to the visit of ESS Bilbao, the Centre for Neutron Technologies in charge of carrying out the Spanish contribution to the European Spallation Source. Mario Pérez, Executive Director of the Public Consortium for the Construction, Equipment and Exploitation of the European Spallation Neutron Source, shared their […]

The IFMIF-DONES project, featured at the 4th Scientific Conference organised by the School of La Asunción

The IFMIF-DONES project, featured at the 4th Scientific Conference organised by the School of La Asunción

Moises Weber, coordinator of the DONES-PRIME Programme to build the first buildings and laboratories of IFMIF-DONES and Daniel Sánchez, coordinator of configuration and integration of designs and 3D models, were in charge of the opening talk of the IV Scientific Conference organised by the School of La Asunción in Granada. The event took place in […]

Primary school pupils, conscious about the future of energy

Primary school pupils, conscious about the future of energy

The teachers of CEIP Abencerrajes (Granada) wanted to bring the IFMIF-DONES project closer to their primary school students. On this occasion, Iván Podadera, accelerator systems engineer, and Rubén Lorenzo, control systems engineer, gave a short talk at the school on April 21st. The children, aged between 11 and 12, first watched the IFMIF-DONES presentation video, […]

José Aguilar brings the IFMIF-DONES project closer to young residents at Colegio Mayor Albayzín

José Aguilar brings the IFMIF-DONES project closer to young residents at Colegio Mayor Albayzín

The Coordinator of the IFMIF-DONES Technical Office, José Aguilar Medina, gave a talk at Colegio Mayor Albayzín (Granada), where the young residents learned about the importance of the IFMIF-DONES project as part of the roadmap of the European Fusion Program. This roadmap depends on the aforementioned project to obtain the necessary data about critical materials […]

The Science Week organised by the IES Federico García Lorca in Granada sparks the curiosity of its students for the IFMIF-DONES project

The Science Week organised by the IES Federico García Lorca in Granada sparks the curiosity of its students for the IFMIF-DONES project talk at IES Federico Garcia Lorca

Students in the 1st and 2nd years of upper secondary high school at IES Federico García Lorca – Churriana de la Vega, Granada – were able to learn first-hand about the IFMIF-DONES project, thanks to a talk given by two of the team members, Antonio Moreno, project integration engineer, and Jorge Maestre, lithium systems engineer. […]

The Science Park of Granada continues with IFMIF-DONES outreach events

The Science Park of Granada continues with IFMIF-DONES outreach events

On March 3 the auditorium of the Science Park of Granada hosted a new informative talk titled “IFMIF-DONES: The key to the energy of the future”. This session was part of the “Science in everyday life” course of the UGR’s Permanent Open Training Classroom. On this occasion, the talk was given by María Luque and […]

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