A dozen European organisations have launched the DONES-ConP1 project, funded by the European Commission. The project aims to expand the DONES user community and strengthen partners’ participation in the programme.
Creating a DONES user group working in experimental areas complementary to fusion research will make it possible to evaluate other irradiation module alternatives than its primary objective. DONES-ConP1 will coordinate the use that the different scientific communities plan to make of the particle accelerator at Escúzar (Granada). Identifying and developing complementary areas of study, such as medicine with the production of radioisotopes or the improvement of diagnostics, particle physics, basic physics studies, industry, etc., will in no case collide with the objectives of the DONES Programme.
DONES-ConP1 will also aim to strengthen the involvement of DONES partners in defining their contributions to the programme. To this end, the project’s financial, legal and organisational documentation for policymakers will be updated. At the same time, both in-kind and experiential procurement applied in similar international programmes will be assessed.
The DONES-ConP1 project involves the CONSORCIO IFMIF-DONES ESPAÑA (Spain), COMMISSARIAT À L’ÉNERGIE ATOMIQUE ET AUX ÉNERGIES ALTERNATIVES (France), CIEMAT (España), AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L’ENERGIA E LO SVILUPPO ECONÓMICO SOSTENIBILE (Italy), HENRYKA NIEWODNICZAŃSKI INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (Poland), ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE (Italy), INSTYTUT FIZYKI PLAZMY I LASEROWEJ MIKROSYNTEZY IM. SYLWESTRA KALISKIEGO (Poland), KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FÜR TECHNOLOGIE (Germany), INSTITUT RUĐER BOŠKOVIĆ (Croatia) and SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU, FAKULTET STROJARSTVA I BRODOGRADN (Croatia). In addition, EUROfusion, Fusion for Energy, Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee is an Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation, PRISMAP, Institut fur Angewandte Physik- TU Wien (Austria), VTT (Finland), Hungarian Research Network- Centre for Energy Research (Hungary), University of Latvia (Latvia) and Lietuvos Energetikos Institutas (Lithuania) will act as observers.

The Document Management System is available for project members at.