
The Spanish Government earmarks 40 million for the development of fusion energy technologies for IFMIF-DONES

The Spanish Government earmarks 40 million for the development of fusion energy technologies for IFMIF-DONES

The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities has launched the tender project to allocate 40 million euros to the development of fusion energy technologies for the IFMIF-DONES particle accelerator, a unique infrastructure being built in Escúzar (Granada). This project has been launched through the pre-commercial public procurement instrument of the Centre for Technological Development and […]

We presented DONES ConP1 at the IPAC 24 World Congress held in Tennessee

We presented DONES ConP1 at the IPAC 24 World Congress held in Tennessee

Once again, IFMIF-DONES España was present at IPAC 24 (International Particle Accelerator Conference), the most important international event for the particle accelerator field and industry worldwide. Its 15th edition occurred in Nashville, Tennessee (USA), from 19 to 24 May 2024. Antonio Moreno, Senior Project Manager and civil Engineer at IFMIF DONES, participated in IPAC 24. […]

We participated in training and youth entrepreneurship in rural areas

We participated in training and youth entrepreneurship in rural areas

We love to contribute to promoting training and entrepreneurship among young students, especially in rural areas. Our Programme Office Leader, José Aguilar, participated last 18th April in the IV Meeting of Vocational Training, Plastic Arts and Design of Eastern Andalusia, organised by the IES Pedro Jiménez Montoya, in Baza (Granada). Hundreds of students attended these […]

The 2nd DONES Xcitech School confirms its international positioning

The 2nd DONES Xcitech School confirms its international positioning

   The coincidence in Granada during the same week of 33 prestigious speakers from 11 countries and 40 students from 8 underlines the international positioning achieved by the 2nd DONES Xcitech School. The School of Science and Technology, organised by IFMIF-DONES and the University of Granada, took place from 21 to 26 April. “We are […]

Susana Clement receives recognition from ‘Women in DONES’ collective

Susana Clement receives recognition from ‘Women in DONES’ collective

The Alhambra witnessed the recognition that the collective ‘Women in DONES’ (WiD) paid to Susana Clement, Acting Head of Broader Approach Department at Fusion for Energy. This tribute was held during the 2nd DONES Xcitech School, organised in Granada by the IFMIF-DONES Consortium and the University of Granada, from 21 to 26 April. “Thank you […]

IFMIF-DONES and the UGR celebrate the second edition of the DONES Xcitech School

IFMIF-DONES and the UGR celebrate the second edition of the DONES Xcitech School

IFMIF-DONES and the University of Granada are organizing the DONES Xcitech 2024 school, which will take place from 21 to 26 April in Granada. These conferences are aimed primarily at postgraduates and professionals from various disciplines who want to deepen or enter the ‘Big Science’ industry and large scientific facilities, the main themes of the school. This year, DONES […]

Active scientific production around IFMIF-DONES

Active scientific production around IFMIF-DONES

IFMIF-DONES continues to be the subject of numerous specialised articles. The two publications reviewed below are an example of the ongoing scientific production of international research groups on the future particle accelerator in Escúzar (Granada). This paper, published in Science Direct, presents an analysis of the maturity of the IFMIF-DONES design and the activities necessary […]

Partnerships to prioritise Science in the classroom

Partnerships to prioritise Science in the classroom

The popularisation of Science is part of our DNA. For this reason, IFMIF-DONES’ alliance with educational centres that promote Science in their classrooms is permanent.Our Programme Office Leader, José Aguilar, has recently participated in two events. On 12 April, he lectured at the Colegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco, in Granada. This talk was part of […]

The DONES Runners team participates in charity races

The DONES Runners team participates in charity races

The DONES Runners team continues to participate in different competitions. Last Sunday, April 14, several of its members ran the XVIII Carrera Memorial Padre Marcelino, in Granada. More than 3,000 athletes took part in this race, organized by the Colegio Santo Tomás de Villanueva-Agustinos, for a charitable purpose: the construction of a well for the […]

More than 200 companies interested in the accelerator’s business opportunities

More than 200 companies interested in the accelerator’s business opportunities

More than 200 companies, 90% from outside Granada, were interested in the business and work opportunities arising from the construction and subsequent operation of the particle accelerator of the IFMIF-DONES project during the 2nd R&DONES FORUM.In the institutional session, which took place on 11 April, the companies learned about the needs that the project will […]

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