Stasa Skenzic appointed chairman of IFMIF-DONES' highest governing body

The DONES Steering Committee agrees to the start of the construction phase of the Granada particle accelerator

The DONES Steering Committee, the highest governing body of the DONES Programme, has agreed at its first meeting to start the construction of the IFMIF-DONES scientific infrastructure in Escúzar (Granada). Representatives from 15 EU countries and Japan, as well as from the organisations EURATOM, EUROfusion and Fusion for Energy participated in the meeting in Granada on 16 March.
Stasa Skenzic, a member of the Croatian delegation, has been appointed chairman of the highest governing body of IFMIF-DONES, while the secretariat will be provided by the Spanish delegation. The DONES Steering Committee has also agreed on the constitution of the working group that will develop the DONES Programme from now on.

The Minister of Science and Innovation gets to know the MUVACAS prototype

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The Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant Ripoll, visited the facilities of Tekniker, the technology centre specialising in Advanced Manufacturing, Materials and Surface Engineering, and ICTs for manufacturing located in Guipúzcoa, on 16 February. During her visit, the minister visited the MUVACAS project (Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios), which is being carried out by the University of Granada and which will be located in the future UGR-DONES research centre.

The IFMIF-DONES Consortium España and the UGR reinforce their scientific-technical collaboration with CERN and will work on joint projects

The University of Granada (UGR) and the IFMIF-DONES España Consortium have strengthened their scientific-technical collaboration with CERN (European Centre for Nuclear Research or European Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics) and will work on joint projects from now on. A Spanish delegation made up of representatives from both institutions visited the CERN facilities in Geneva (Switzerland), and signed an agreement that will strengthen collaboration between institutions in technical and scientific matters.

The institutional headquarters of IFMIF-DONES will be located in the centre of Granada

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The headquarters of the administrative, technical and economic management centre of the IFMIF-DONES España Consortium will be located in the heart of Granada, in Puerta Real.
Thanks to the agreement signed between the Mayor, Francisco Cuenca, and the director of the Consortium, Ángel Ibarra, the City Council cedes to IFMIF-DONES the use of the municipal building located in Almona del Castillo street, next to the Isabel la Católica Theatre.

The first stone of the UGR-DONES building is laid

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, and the rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda, laid the first stone of the future UGR-DONES research centre, a building that will serve to support and reinforce the parent project, the construction of the IFMIF-DONES particle accelerator.

CDTI launches a Preliminary Market Consultation to analyse two Technology Challenges posed by the IFMIF-DONES España consortium

On 23 December last, the resolution of the Director General of the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation-E.P.E. (CDTI) was published on the public sector procurement platform for the Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC) to ascertain the degree of development of technology and materials in high-intensity hadron accelerators and experimental target systems and irradiation test areas using integrated technology validators.

IFMIF-DONES, present at the Nuclear Safety Council’s annual R&D&I Day

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The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) held its annual R&D&I Conference on 1 February. The session, which was inaugurated by the president of the regulatory body, Juan Carlos Lentijo, aims to promote debate and dissemination of the numerous research projects financed and coordinated by the regulator.

The participation of local partners, key to building a “technological pole” linked to IFMIF-DONES

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For IFMIF-DONES to be the basis of a solid industry that will make the province a true technological pole, the participation of 'local partners', Grenadian companies that offer their goods and services to the ecosystem generated by this Great Scientific Infrastructure, will be necessary.

The Andalusian Regional Government launches a Strategic Plan to take advantage of the implementation of IFMIF-DONES in Escuzar

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The Andalusian Regional Government has commissioned the Parque Tecnológico de la Salud (PTS) to draw up the Strategic Plan that will outline the local and regional development around the IFMIF-DONES, a scientific infrastructure of international relevance that is planned to be built with a global investment of 862.47 million euros in Escúzar.


Women in DONES will hold its first public event on April 25

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The women's group 'Women in DONES', which works around IFMIF-DONES, has scheduled its first official activity for 25 April. WiD will make its public presentation at the DONES Xcitech School, to be held in Granada from 23 to 28 April.

IFMIF-DONES, recognised at the IV Science and Innovation Awards in Granada

On 10 March, the city of Granada recognised the efforts of the scientific community to bring about the arrival of IFMIF-DONES.

IFMIF-DONES, explained by 12-year-old school children

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How would 12-year-olds explain what IFMIF-DONES is? At the Vicente Espinel Secondary School in Malaga, this challenge was given to the students during the conference "A look at Andalusia", which they organised last February.



Interview with Blanca Biel, co-director of DONES Xcitech School

Blanca Biel (Zaragoza, 1975) holds a degree in Physics from the UGR (1999) and a PhD in Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2006). She works as a tenured lecturer in the Department of Theoretical, Molecular and Nuclear Physics of the Faculty of Science at the University of Granada. Currently, she is co-director of the DONES Xcitech School.

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