The Spanish Government and CIEMAT make a 16.3 million contribution towards Spain’s IFMIF-DONES candidacy
The agreement foresees the construction of laboratories related to the project and other activities for the preparation of the site in Escúzar (Granada)

On June 9, the Council of Ministers authorised the signing of an agreement between the Spanish Government and Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) to boost the Spanish IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO-Oriented Neutron Source) candidacy. As a result, the Spanish Government will contribute €13 million from ERDF funds and CIEMAT €3.3 million to finance the different activities to prepare the site and set up laboratories related to this international facility. This action demonstrates Spain’s commitment to bringing the facility to Escúzar (Granada), a joint initiative between Spain and Croatia which has the full support of the European Fusion Program.
CIEMAT leads Spain’s participation in IFMIF-DONES. Once it is built, this unique research infrastructure will help to obtain information on the behaviour of materials in similar conditions to those in future fusion reactors, particularly ITER. Spain suggested including this project in Europe’s research infrastructure roadmap. As a result of its approval by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), it was included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2018 as a project in the field of energy.
To be able to construct IFMIF-DONES, Spain has undergone an exhaustive evaluation process by Fusion for Energy (F4E), the European agency in charge of Europe’s participation in ITER. The project has the support and commitment of local, regional, and national governments as well as that of the industry sector. Two weeks ago, the Council of Ministers authorised the creation of the Consortium between the Spanish Government and the Regional Government of Andalucía, to complete the preparation activities for Spain’s candidacy.
This project is developed under the framework of an ambitious program that the European Union is implementing to develop fusion as a source of energy, in an international cooperation with China, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States, partners in ITER.
Europe’s roadmap to build a Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) foresees two milestones: the construction and scientific and technological exploitation of ITER’s Tokamak in the south of France, and the construction of a neutron source, IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – Demo Oriented NEutron Source) to develop, qualify and license the materials capable of resisting the extremely harsh conditions to which the components of the first wall of the future DEMO fusion reactor will be exposed.