The International School of Radiation Damage and Protection tackles the design and operation challenges of particle accelerators

The 12th course will be held in Erice (Sicily) between April 8 and April 14, 2021
The Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture will celebrate the 12th Course of the International School of Radiation Damage and Protection in Erice (Sicily) between April 8 and April 14, 2021. It will tackle the challenges during design and operation of accelerator facilities and space missions.
This edition will gather experts in the field of radiation damage, scientists and industry representatives with the aim to provide an overview of the risks of accelerator scientific facilities such as space missions and the necessary measures to ensure reliability and efficiency.
The participants will analyse the tools and experimental mechanisms to assess radiation damage of materials and electronic components, as well as radioactivation properties of materials and components of accelerators. The course will emphasize the applications and lessons learned at high-energy accelerators, experiments, and high-power target facilities. In addition, it will address synergies with other areas such as space radiation applications and fusion facilities.
More information about the course and how to apply can be found at