The Director of the IFMIF-DONES Consortium reports the progress of the project to the Government Sub-delegate in Granada

The Director of the IFMIF-DONES Consortium, Ángel Ibarra, has had a work meeting with the Government Sub-delegate in Granada, Inmaculada López, in which the progress of the project was reported. Also, the roadmap of the Consortium established in June to support and boost Granada’s candidacy as the site for the large scientific infrastructure was presented.
The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Government Sub-delegation, where the Director reviewed the next steps and the work done so far for IFMIF-DONES within the framework of different preparatory projects (DONES-PreP, DONES PRIME and DONES-UGR).
The Sub-delegation expressed the Central Government and the Ministry of Science’s support to the project, which will transform the economy of the region and will place Granada and Andalucía on the international map of nuclear fusion research.