Start of the bidding process for the works of the first auxiliary buildings of the IFMIF-DONES infrastructure in Escúzar (DONES-PRIME Program)

Recreation of the IFMIF-DONES plant, with the area related to this action defined in red.

The General Secretariat of the Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT), within the Ministry of Science and Innovation, has announced a bidding process worth €172,000 (excluding tax) for the completion of management services to supervise the construction works of the administration and visitors buildings, of the administration and visitors, access control and warehouse buildings for the IFMIF-DONES project (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO Oriented NEutron Source) in the Paque Metropolitano, Industrial y Tecnológico of Escúzar, Granada.

IFMIF-DONES is a scientific facility with the objective to operate a neutron source to qualify materials to be used in future fusion reactors. At IFMIF-DONES, a particle accelerator will produce a 125 mA deuteron beam (D+), accelerated to an energy of 40 MeV, which will impinge on a 25 mm thick liquid lithium curtain flowing at 15 m/s. The reactions in the lithium target, following the impact of the deuteron beam, will generate a high-energy neutron flux of sufficient intensity to simulate the neutrons of a fusion reactor. This neutron flux will be used to irradiate material samples immediately behind the lithium curtain in the test modules.

Within the framework of the DONES-PRIME program, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), several actions are being carried out for the construction of the first IFMIF-DONES buildings and laboratories. Among these actions, the present tender aims at recruiting the Project Management that will supervise the construction works to be tendered in another complementary procedure.

Functional scheme of IFMIF-DONES.

Recreation of the administration and visitors building.

Additional information can be found in the following LINK.

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