Progress of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in the creation of the consortium for the candidacy of IFMIF-DONES
Minister Pedro Duque ensures that the Government’s priority is to attract large European and international scientific infrastructures

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has set as a priority the attraction of large European and international infrastructures to Spain, among which the IFMIF-DONES particle accelerator was highlighted. During his intervention at the Committee of Science, Innovation and University of the Congress, Pedro Duque, the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, ensured that his department considers hosting IFMIF-DONES in Granada a strategic objective.
In this regard, Duque announced that his Ministry had sent to the regional government of Andalucía (Junta de Andalucía) the draft agreement for the creation of the consortium for Spain’s candidacy for the construction of this scientific infrastructure. The Minister also explained that it will require the status of law.
The Minister of Science and Innovation addressed the future of IFMIF-DONES at an appearance, where he presented the general working lines of his department, in particular the coordination of Spain’s participation in the development of pan-European infrastructures included in the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) roadmap.
IFMIF-DONES is a novel and unique research facility that will test, validate and qualify the materials that will be used in future fusion energy facilities.