Over €30 million in contracts for preparatory activities in IFMIF-DONES in 2022 and 2023

The event was organised by Confederación Granadina de Empresarios, Chamber of Commerce of Granada, ACP Granada, and the University of Granada, and sponsored by the Social Council of this University. Over 50 businesspeople attended the event and learned about the opportunities of the project that has already placed Granada on the map of international nuclear fusion.
According to Ángel Ibarra, ‘this project needs to involve companies, not only those with technological experience, but also construction, engineering or technical companies for the commissioning of conventional systems and for the construction of the building’. In addition, the Director explained in detail the IFMIF-DONES project, its role in the roadmap towards fusion energy and the work developed in Granada.
A project in progress and gaining momentum
‘We have been working for months with one strategic objective: to have everything ready to be able to start working as soon as a political decision is made’, explained Ibarra. ‘The project is progressing and gaining momentum. From a technical point of view, we are ready to start.’
The Coordinator of the Technical Office of IFMIF-DONES, José Aguilar, reported that the project is a reality, and it is generating tangible opportunities for companies in Granada. The coordinator presented the upcoming opportunities expected within the framework of the DONES-PRIME and DONES-UGR projects, for a total of €32 million for the construction of the first buildings, the commissioning of auxiliary laboratories and the characterization of the site and design of prototypes.
Aguilar concluded that ‘the journey has begun and this is a unique project that will go beyond the fusion sector, impacting the entire business network, human capital and society in Granada, Andalucía and Spain’.