Networking event for researchers about IFMIF-DONES organised by the University of Granada

The event will take place next March 10. The aim is to foster collaboration among researchers of the University of Granada and others involved in key aspects of the particle accelerator
The University of Granada (UGR) will host a networking event next March 10. It will address the IFMIF-DONES Project and will gather researchers from this university and researchers involved in key aspects of the particle accelerator with the aim to foster collaboration.
The event will focus on different lines of work (access to complete summary here):
–DONES Accelerator.
-DONES Lithium Systems
-DONES Test Systems
-DONES RH and Control Systems
-DONES transversal activities (neutronics, safety, RAMI, logistics, integrated modelling…)
-R&D areas related to DONES exploitation: fusion materials and other experimental activities
At the event, different research groups will have the opportunity to present themselves, their activity, and show the relation of their lines of work with those of IFMIF-DONES.
For more information about the networking event (agenda, participants, etc.), access the following link: