IFMIF-DONES will host two large-format sculptures by Miguel Moreno Romera
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Two large sculptures by the artist Miguel Moreno will be placed on deposit in the IFMIF-DONES buildings in Escúzar. This is stated in the agreement signed today between the Rector of the University of Granada and Miguel Moreno Romera, one of Granada’s most outstanding contemporary sculptors. Moreno Romera is donating 12 sculptures to the UGR, which will become part of its Contemporary Art Collection.
The signing ceremony was attended by the artist Miguel Moreno, the rector of the UGR, Pedro Mercado, the director of the IFMIF-DONES Consortium, Ángel Ibarra, and other representatives of the University of Granada.
‘Impulso’ is one of the large-format sculptures in the IFMIF-DONES facilities in Citai (Escúzar). ‘Because IFMIF-DONES is a boost for knowledge, for Science and Granada’, said Pedro Mercado.
Miguel Moreno highlighted the fact that one of his artistic works will be located in an environment with international repercussions, such as the particle accelerator.
For his part, Ángel Ibarra thanked the artist and the University of Granada for their contribution to promoting the cultural events generated around IFMIF-DONES.