IFMIF-DONES particle accelerator at the 21st Science Week in Andalucía

The IFMIF-DONES Project was present at the 21st Science Week in Andalucía, where the initiative was presented in a talk about nuclear fusion as the future’s energy. This talk was directed to the general public and organised by the University of Granada and Fundación Descubre.
Iván Podadera, from CIEMAT, and Claudio Torregrosa, from the University of Granada, were the speakers of this talk, who described in an informative manner the project and its importance in nuclear fusion for a sustainable energy development for humanity.
Iván and Claudio explained the main technological challenges to achieve nuclear fusion and how they are integrated in the IFMIF-DONES project, a facility to test and validate the materials of future nuclear reactors. They also presented a general overview of the main parts of the facility, with particular emphasis on the particle accelerator and its main related technologies: radiofrequency, vacuum systems, cryogenics, and control systems. Finally, they emphasized the significance of the socioeconomic impact of the facility in Granada, open to different sectors during its construction and operation phases. The Science Week is the main European informative event in the field of science. It gathered 150 researchers and over 2500 attendees. Granada held over half of the activities organised in Andalucía. For a period of two weeks, universities, research centres, companies, museums, botanical gardens and all knowledge actors organised a series of activities at the European level (seminars, conferences, educational itinerary, projections, visits, open days…) for young people and for the general public.