IFMIF-DONES generates high-quality employment in Granada

The Coordinator of the Technical Office of IFMIF-DONES at the University of Granada participates in the First International Employment Fair in Granada
The activities related to the commissioning of IFMIF-DONES are generating employment opportunities in the province of Granada. The preparatory and design phase of the particle accelerator that Spain aspires to build has already started recruiting processes for the Technical Office and virtual reality laboratories and development of control systems. In the upcoming months, new opportunities will be announced, which will generate employment related to engineering services, design and construction of prototypes and the construction of buildings for the project.
José Aguilar, Coordinator of the Technical Office of IFMIF-DONES at the University of Granada, addressed these opportunities on the second day of the First International Employment Fair in Granada, organised by the University of Granada, Regional Government of Andalucía, Regional Council of Granada, City Council of Granada, Granada Businessmen Confederation, and the Chamber of Commerce of Granada.
The Coordinator of the Technical Office focused his speech about employment opportunities in IFMIF-DONES on the socioeconomic impact of the particle accelerator, noting that it will not simply generate ‘employment in the fields of science and technology’ but also in many other sectors, from construction and engineering, to training and services. ‘The IFMIF-DONES project is generating employment, and it will increase in the upcoming months. Once the start of the project is confirmed, the construction and operation phases will grant Granada an extraordinary opportunity to create high-quality employment’.
There will be a good number of job opportunities directly related to the project and will require different competencies and skills. ‘High qualified professionals will be needed as well as highly-experienced professionals. The particle accelerator will have a strong impact in other sectors. ‘IFMIF-DONES is a project that will become part of Granada and Spain’s DNA’.