IFMIF-DONES brings its scientific know-how to the service of the European Cultural Capital
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The IFMIF-DONES España Consortium has decided to contribute its scientific knowledge to Granada’s bid for the Capital of Culture. The Mayoress, Marifrán Carazo, and the director of the Consortium, Ángel Ibarra, have signed the Manifesto of adhesion to the project ‘Granada European Capital of Culture 2031’, promoted by the City Council.
For the councillor, this agreement ‘demonstrates the perfect collaboration between the IFMIF-DONES España Consortium as a sign of the importance of the advancement of scientific research in the welfare of cities and in the project and in the dissemination of Granada as European Capital of Culture for 2031’.
The initiated document defines Granada as a city of the future that has been and continues to be a crossroads of cultures and civilisations, that values intercultural dialogue and international cooperation ‘and that intends to continue fostering cultural, creative, scientific and research exchanges with other European and world cities, learning and sharing experiences and knowledge. Granada promotes cultural diversity as a source of wealth and mutual understanding and supports initiatives and projects for integration, peace and global understanding’.
The text, which recognises the importance of the cultural sector as a driver of economic development and innovation through activities such as education, art, personal development, science, tourism and leisure, states that the Granada project ‘is fully respectful of the values and objectives of the European Capitals of Culture and therefore we wish to publicly express our shared desire with the city to promote culture as a driver of creativity, as well as social inclusion, sustainability and intercultural dialogue at local, national and international levels’.
To this end, the signatories of the accession document undertake to recognise the intrinsic value of arts and culture and their strategic potential for society, to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly cultural practices, tourism that respects the quality of life of citizens, and equal opportunities for citizens to enjoy and participate in cultural activities.
Similarly, they agree to stimulate artistic creation and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative sectors, to contribute to the professional recognition of the sector, to support educational programmes that bring culture closer to all social groups, to eliminate physical and social barriers to ensure that everyone, without exception, can enjoy culture and to favour policies that enable ‘adequate funding for cultural programming and fair and dignified remuneration for professionals, as a tool for creating jobs linked to culture’.
Sustainable urban development, more cultural infrastructures, the responsible use of resources, the improvement of urban quality with spaces that integrate art and nature, sustainable tourism and a commitment to creativity, inclusion, sustainability and intercultural cooperation are other proposals in the Manifesto.
‘Granada is a city proud of its heritage but with its sights set on the future and the firm commitment to be European Capital of Culture in 2031, counting on all art and culture professionals, citizens, institutions and visitors who, with the signing of this manifesto, are committed to building a brighter, peaceful and culturally enriched future for all’, concluded the councillor.
With this latest signature by the IFMIF-DONES Consortium, there are now twelve signatures to the Manifesto promoted by the City Council for the European Capital of Culture. So far, the endorsement of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, the Diputación de Granada, the Chamber of Commerce, the Confederación Granadina de Empresarios, the Centro Artístico, the Ateneo, the Archbishopric of Granada, the Federación de Cofradías, the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer, Covirán Granada, and the Social Councils of the City of Granada and the University have all signed the Manifesto.