IFMIF-DONES and DIFFER will explore avenues for collaboration

A delegation from the Netherlands Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER), led by its Fusion Director, Marco de Baar, visited us on March 11. During the meeting, both organizations presented their capabilities to explore different avenues of cooperation within the DONES project, mainly in the modelling of complex systems. Representatives of IFMIF-DONES and DIFFER will maintain close contact to define and plan specific collaborative actions in the field of interest.

DIFFER’s mission is to conduct fundamental research on materials, processes and systems for sustainable global energy infrastructure in close collaboration with universities and international industry.

DIFFER’s research focuses on two topics: Solar Fuels and Fusion Energy. Through the EUROfusion consortium, DIFFER researchers have access to and conduct experiments in various large-scale fusion research. Additionally, the department collaborates with fusion research facilities around the world.

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