First promising results of the STUMM monitoring prototype

The key system for understanding the neutron and gamma-ray fields during the commissioning of the IFMIF-DONES facility will be the commissioning monitoring module (STUMM), which will include dozens of highly sophisticated, miniaturised detectors that will provide crucial information about the radiation fields.

A study published in Science Direct shows the wide range of capabilities offered by STUMM-PROTO, the current status of its construction, and some first notions about the experimental campaigns to be implemented.

The prototype replicates STUMM on a 1:1 scale, which is the most significant feature. It will include up to a quarter of the latter’s neutron and gamma detectors. The main objective is to characterise these detectors under final conditions in terms of spatial density, temperature, and electrical configuration. The test campaigns will include cold tests, gamma irradiation tests, and neutron irradiation tests.

On the electronic side, some promising results have already been obtained.

Regarding mechanical manufacturing, STUMM-PROTO will follow RCC-MRx standards to ensure high component quality.

You can read the full article here.

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