Event in Málaga about public procurement opportunities in technology, construction, and services for IFMIF-DONES

Promálaga, in cooperation with the IFMIF-DONES Consortium, organises next October 13 a meeting in Málaga to inform about the scientific project and public procurement opportunities for companies in the IT sector and constructors and developers.
The meeting will gather institutional representatives and professionals from the IT, science and construction sectors who will learn about the IFMIF-DONES facility in Escúzar (Granada), its economic impact and how it will boost the Science Industry.
The upcoming opportunities in the IT sector and tools for the support of R&D will also be presented in detail. After the presentations, the attendees will have the chance to hold B2B meetings with the speakers upon request.

The event will take place next October 13 from 09:30 to 13:30 CET at Salón de Actos del MUPAM, Museo de Patrimonio Municipal Paseo Reding 1, 29016, Málaga.
Attendance is free. Click here to register.