EUROfusion CEO visits IFMIF-DONES site in Escúzar

The Programme Manager (CEO) of EUROfusion, Tony Donné, visited last October 7 the Metropolitan Park of Escúzar (Granada), the site where the future IFMIF-DONES particle accelerator will be built. This visit coincided with Tony Donné’s participation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), particularly its plenary session, devoted to the scientific infrastructure.
Other attendees accompanied EUROfusion Programme Manager in his visit: Director General of CIEMAT, Carlos Alejaldre; Spanish Industrial Liaison Officer (ITER) of CDTI, Belén del Cerro; and the Director of the IFMIF-DONES Consortium, Ángel Ibarra. They were welcomed by the Mayor of Escúzar, Antonio Arrabal, and the President and Manager of the Metropolitan Park, Carlos Infanzón and Sergio González. Other members of the IFMIF-DONES team in CIEMAT and the Technical Office of the University of Granada were also present.
The CEO of EUROfusion, the research consortium that coordinates research efforts for the development of fusion energy in 28 countries, inspected the exact place where IFMIF-DONES will be built and a poster with a representation of the facility.