CSN hosts the first meeting of the IFMIF-DONES liaison committee
The meeting addressed the general lines of operation for the working group to analyse the facility’s licensing strategy
The first meeting of the liaison committee and representatives of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – Demo Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) project was held at the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) last November 28. The creation of this committee, considered a milestone itself, is an essential impulse for Spain’s candidacy to build the facility in Granada.

This committee was attended by representatives of the CSN, namely Chairman of the CSN, Josep Maria Serena i Sender, councillor of the CSN, Javier Dies, and the technical director and deputy director involved in the project. The meeting was chaired by Francisco Castejón and co-chaired by Elvira Romera, councillors of the CSN. IFMIF-DONES was represented by General Director of the Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT), Carlos Alejaldre, Vice-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Granada, Enrique Herrera, Technical Director of the project, Ángel Ibarra, and its Chief of Security, Francisco Martín-Fuertes.
During this meeting the general lines of operation for the working group to analyse the facility’s licensing strategy were established. The proposal of specific tasks, such as tritium control, analysis of emergency plans, and matters related to the waste generated by the facility, were also addressed, amongst others. The participation of CSN is essential, since it will prove that Spain has the means to license a unique facility in the world, guaranteeing the security and radiological protection required.
The aim of IFMIF-DONES is to build a particle accelerator capable of generating neutrons similar to those that would appear in a fusion reactor. These neutrons will impact with samples of different materials to test which could be used in a fusion reactor. The idea is to simulate the process by which stars generate light and heat. The purpose is to develop a new source of energy based on nuclear fusion.
On the one hand, the aim of International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is to research the behaviour of the different materials that could be used in future nuclear fusion reactors. On the other hand, Demo Oriented NEutron Source (DONES) is a small version of IFMIF and it is being designed to meet all IFMIF’s capabilities. Currently, the aim of the project is to develop the necessary research, development, and engineering activities to begin the construction of the facility.
These efforts are part of an international project promoted by the EUROfusion working group, in cooperation with Fusion for Energy. The expected outcome is the construction of a neutron source to identify the materials to be used in future fusion reactors.