The mission of the DONES Programme is to develop a database of fusion-like neutron irradiation effects in the materials required for the construction of fusion power reactors, and for benchmarking of radiation response of materials.
To do so, a neutron source (IFMIF-DONES) producing high-energy neutrons at sufficient intensity and irradiation volume must be built.
The main objectives of the DONES Programme are:
- To provide a neutron source producing fusion-like neutrons at sufficient intensity and irradiation volume.
- To generate materials irradiation test data for the design, licensing, construction and safe operation of a fusion demonstration power reactor.
- To set up a database for benchmarking of radiation responses of materials hand in hand with computational material science.
- To develop a complementary experiments’ work Programme relevant for other scientific and technological areas.
The IFMIF-DONES Facility is the central element of the DONES Programme.