Category: Dones Updates

DONES Young Researchers Panel was held in Zagreb

DONES Young Researchers Panel was held in Zagreb

The DONES Young Researchers Panel was held on Wednesday, 2 October 2024, at the European Commission Representation building in Croatia, located in Zagreb. At this meeting, young scientists from Croatia and Spain presented their experiences working on this prestigious project. The speakers were Kristina Tomić Luketić (Ruđer Bošković Institute), Toni Dunatov (Ruđer Bošković Institute), Daniel […]

“It is exciting to think that Granada will become a global scientific reference”

“It is exciting to think that Granada will become a global scientific reference”

Celia Carvajal (Granada, 1989) is an Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, specialising in Electrical Engineering, with a Double Degree from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm (Sweden), and a Master’s Degree in Complex Problem Solving from the UNIR. His current position at IFMIF-DONES is that of leader of the control […]

Our team is already working in the UGR-DONES building of Escúzar

Our team is already working in the UGR-DONES building of Escúzar DONES

The IFMIF-DONES team, comprised of almost fifty people, is already working in the UGR-DONES building in Citai (Escúzar, Granada). The new building, financed by the Junta de Andalucía and owned by the University of Granada, has invested 7.9 million euros for its construction and 6.5 million for the equipment. The building will house the Consortium’s […]

First technical meeting of the DONES-ConP1 project successfully held in Zagreb

First technical meeting of the DONES-ConP1 project successfully held in Zagreb

On September 30, the first technical meeting of the DONES-ConP1 project, led by the IFMIF-DONES España Consortium, was held in Zagreb (Croatia). The meeting, organized by the Ruđer Bošković Institute, brought together more than twenty project participants. During the meeting, the latest progress in the project tasks was presented.The most important results were the progress […]

IFMIF-DONES’ prominent presence at SOFT 2024

IFMIF-DONES’ prominent presence at SOFT 2024 people

Several members of the IFMIF-DONES team participed in the 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), which was held at Dublin City University, Ireland, from 22-27 September. This biennial symposium is the most important conference in this field in Europe, bringing together scientists, engineers, industry representatives and exhibitors from all over the world and focusing […]

IFMIF-DONES hosts the RaDIATE world meeting

IFMIF-DONES hosts the RaDIATE world meeting IFMIF-DONES Reunión mundial

The 9th Annual RaDIATE Collaboration Meeting (Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments) is in Granada until Wednesday. Organised by IFMIF-DONES and CIEMAT, it is attended by around twenty experts in accelerator radiation from universities and research centres in Europe, the United States, and Japan. RaDIATE is an international initiative led by FermiLab (USA), which has […]

We participated in the II National Meeting of Physics Students

We participated in the II National Meeting of Physics Students National Meeting of Physics Students (ENEF)

IFMIF-DONES participated in the Business Fair organized within the framework of the II National Meeting of Physics Students (ENEF) held in Faculty of Sciences of the University of Granada from September 3 to 7. Anderson Sabogal, research staff at IFMIF-DONES, visited our stand and explained to the numerous visitors the objectives of the Escúzar particle […]

First promising results of the STUMM monitoring prototype

First promising results of the STUMM monitoring prototype Prototype of the STUM

The key system for understanding the neutron and gamma-ray fields during the commissioning of the IFMIF-DONES facility will be the commissioning monitoring module (STUMM), which will include dozens of highly sophisticated, miniaturised detectors that will provide crucial information about the radiation fields. A study published in Science Direct shows the wide range of capabilities offered […]

Presenting IFMIF-DONES at LINAC2024 in Chicago

Presenting IFMIF-DONES at LINAC2024 in Chicago Event LINAC2024 in Chicago

IFMIF-DONES España was present at LINAC2024 | Argonne National Laboratory, the main biannual meeting of the world community of experts in linear accelerators, which was held last August in Chicago (USA). Iván Podadera, Accelerator Systems Engineering Section Leader of IFMIF-DONES, presented a scientific poster with the latest news on the scientific infrastructure. The communication included […]

Nuclear Safety Council receives progress report on the project

Nuclear Safety Council receives progress report on the project

The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) has hosted the liaison committee meeting with representatives of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility and Neutron Source oriented Demo (IFMIF-DONES) project. Demo would be the first fusion reactor to produce electric power. During the meeting, the participants reviewed the progress of the permanent working group between the regulator and […]

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