“The potential of IFMIF-DONES in medical research is very promising”

Inmaculada Molina (Granada, 1977) is a graduate in Biological Sciences, trained at the Universities of Granada, Wales-Swansea (UK), La Laguna (Tenerife) and Uppsala (Sweden), with further training in Management Fundamentals (Cornell University) and Project Management (Google, ESADE, College of Europe), among others. Currently, he works as Senior Project Manager at the IFMIF-DONES España Consortium.

QUESTION (Q): Has your background in multicultural environments allowed you to adapt quickly to an international project like IFMIF-DONES?

ANSWER (A): Without a doubt! Working with diverse and multicultural teams from Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia has been an excellent basis for adapting to the project. My previous background has allowed me to develop a remarkable ability to adapt and understand different cultures and approaches, allowing me to contribute to the team from day one.

– Q: What do you expect personally and professionally from such an ambitious project?

– A: Each project is unique, and IFMIF-DONES is unlike any other I have been involved in. I want to continue growing and learning, facing new challenges that take me out of my comfort zone. Professionally, I aspire to significantly contribute to the project’s success, generating a positive and lasting impact. My goal is to help make IFMIF-DONES a reality; it is a privilege to be involved in realising a unique facility in the world and the first of its kind.

– Q: Of the many industrial sectors that will benefit from the particle accelerator, do you have a favourite, perhaps those related to health, given your previous positions of responsibility in that sector?

– A: The health sector is exciting and dear to my heart. My work must have a real and positive impact on people’s lives, and the potential for IFMIF-DONES to contribute to advancing medical research and innovative treatments is very promising. However, I am also inquisitive about its main applications in other sectors that are not so familiar to me but that I find fascinating and can bring significant benefits to society.

– Q: The drive for vocations for women and girls in science is global. Would you like your daughters to emulate your career?

– A: I would love for my daughters to pursue a career in science or whatever field they are passionate about. I strongly believe in the power of example and strive to be a positive role model for them, showing that great things can be achieved with dedication, effort, and enthusiasm. From an early age, I have tried to transmit a scientific curiosity about their surroundings, encouraging them to develop a critical spirit to question and validate their environment and experiences for themselves.

– Q: After the award to Susana Clement, what new initiatives does the ‘Women in DONES’ collective, of which you are a member, have?

– A: In the ‘Women in DONES’ collective we are beginning to have a certain critical mass and we are currently organising the lines of work on which to focus our activity. We also collaborate with educational institutions to inspire and support future generations of young women scientists, showcasing examples of successful female careers and providing resources and guidance.

– Q: IFMIF-DONES is sometimes difficult to explain. How do your daughters respond when their friends ask them what their mother does for a living?

 – A: When my daughters say where I work, it often generates reactions of surprise and fascination. For some time now, a great deal of work has been done to publicise the project and its importance, producing results; this project’s relevance and future impact are already being recognised in Granada. It is crucial to explain how this facility contributes to advancing science and technology and how it can benefit society at large.

– Q: What do you value most about the working environment at IFMIF-DONES?

– A: We are a very diverse team with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, which creates a stimulating and enriching environment. The work is demanding and carries a lot of responsibility, but the shared commitment to turn fusion energy into a reality gives excellent satisfaction in the daily work. I love that the atmosphere is close, dynamic and collaborative – arriving at work every day with a smile on your face is priceless!


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